About Djenie

Djenie Innovates Membership Management for Youth Associations in Risky Environments

At Djenie, we have a strong commitment to shaping the future of youth membership management and driving positive change for our associations and their young members.

As the largest membership management system for youth in Australia and a leading innovator in the industry, we strive to deliver highly secure cutting-edge solutions that empower associations to manage their memberships effectively and efficiently.

We are always investigating what’s next and best for our clients, that next is AI.

Contact Us


Years Experience

700 +




30k +

Youth Members Managed


Records Securely Managed


Support Record

What We Can Do For You

Increased membership

Reduction in head office expenses

Automation that allows staff to be gainfully redeployed

Reporting, Just in time to provide org health snapshots.

Our research and development expertise in new tech that would enhance your organisation.


Things At Which We Excel

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Our Business Analysis specialist will help you to improve your processes, identify cost savings, and make data-driven decisions to achieve the strategic goals of your volunteer led organisation.

Database Design

Database Design

Our database designs ensure efficient storage and retrieval of your data, assured data integrity and all important security of children’s data.

Third Party Integrations

Third Party Integrations

Our extensive API services allows for seamless integration with other systems, easy data access, improved automation, and enhanced flexibility for your technology resistant users.

Group Leader Apps

Group Leader Apps

Our customised app development provides tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of Volunteer lead organisation where simplicity and ease of use is paramount.


What Clients Say About Us

From Definition To Implementation

Six Steps In The Development Of Your Djenie Membership Management System
  • 1. Define

    Requirements of the MMS, including the specific needs of your Scout organisation and any relevant regulations or compliance issues

  • 2. Research And Evaluate

    Required integrations, e.g. Reporting SW, Office 365, Operoo, Training Institute, Accounting such as Xero.

  • 3. Design and Plan

    The system’s structure, including the database, user interface, and any integrations.

  • 4. Develop And Test

    All aspects of the system including integrations.

  • 5. Implementation

    Careful roll out of the membership system to users.

  • 6. Training

    Ensuring all admin staff and key volunteers are fully conversant with their new system.

Scout Management Solutions

The Member Database

Central Source Of Truth

Our system for storing and organizing information about your Scout members, including personal details, contact information, and membership status.

Communication Tools

Staying Connected

Our system for sending and receiving emails and text messages to Scout members and their families, as well as tools for creating and distributing newsletters and other communications.

Training Data

Tracking Education

Collection from separate Training Institute Systems and assignment to individual member records.

Payment Recording

Ensuring Cash Flow

A system for collecting membership dues via an API link to a payment gateway service provider who supplies payment processing and automated billing.

Reporting And Analytics

Where Are We, Where Are We Going.

A system for generating reports and analysing data on Scout membership, events, and finances.

Integration Infrastructure

Reducing Cost And Maximising Efficiencies

A system that can integrate with other systems such as accounting and fundraising and event management platforms.


We Will Be Listening

A team’s session or a phone call is the best place to start a conversation.
Email for a meeting request by filling out the simple form below.

+ 61 3 8658 2226


Peter Riley

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